At the trial of Jesus it seemed that both the weak-willed Roman governor, Pilate; and the shouts of the crowd sent Jesus to death. In fact, the Bible tells us that these events amazingly formed part of God's purpose. Jesus took the twelve disciples aside and said to them, "Listen! We are going to Jerusalem where everything the prophets wrote about the Son of Man will come true. He will be handed over to the Gentiles, who will make fun of Him, insult Him, and spit on Him. They will whip him and kill Him, but on the third day he will rise to life." The disciples did not understand any of these things. (Luke 18:31-34a) A. The Passover meal and "The Last Supper" On the last night of his life, Jesus ate a meal with his disciples. Read Luke 22:7-20
B. The trial After the Passover meal Jesus was arrested in the Garden of Gethsemane. he was taken before the Jewish ruling council. Read Luke 22:66-71
C. The Cross Jesus was not condemned to death for anything he had done. He was condemned for who he claimed to be. Read Luke 23:32-49
This study is about Jesus the Redeemer. To redeem means to buy something back, to recover something by payment. Jesus' death was for the sake of other people, to bring them back to God. As the criminal faced his own death, he asked Jesus to remember him in his future Kingdom. Jesus promised that the robber would be with him that day in Paradise. In what ways can we have the same hope as the criminal did after hearing Jesus' words? | One | Two | Three | Four | Five |
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